Introductory note

Source: Google Images

I am a coffee-loving, verse-weaving poetry enthusiast looking for a home for her incessant, imaginative scribbles. Thus, lo and behold, this blog was born.

I am unbiased to both prose and poetry as both live harmoniously in my thoughts and also on these digital pages of my mind.

I have turned to Blogging to lend a voice to my thoughts, feelings, intuitions, emotions and aspirations. This blog is charged with potent emotions that have moved me, changed me and made me who I am today. It has everyday experiences, musings, poems and much more.

I have named my blog 'The Better or Verse Pursuit' because I believe that no matter how bad things maybe at the present moment, they will always get better.
The ebbs and flows of life become seeds of poetry that will reflect your most genuine self.
In a nutshell, I am in constant pursuit of a better tomorrow or better poetry.

I don the superhero cape on an everyday basis as a loving daughter, doting sister, dreamy girlfriend, reliable friend, avid reader, inspiring teacher, amateur writer, budding poet, closet spoken-word poet, raconteur, an "Exceeds Expectations" student, efficient planner, orator, average artist, singer and now, a blogger. 

I am an aficionado of books, poetry, slam poetry, Psychology, mysteries of the human mind, English Language & Literature, sunsets, star-filled nights, chocolates, coffee, good food, rain and all the other little things in life that make me love it every bit more!

Warm regards,


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