The magnificence of redwood

Source: Google Images

Enslaved by a cloudy afternoon's charm-
Thoughts drifting to crystals and their imperfections,
Wondering whether foibles indeed cause harm,
Or rather,serve as paths for Light Penetration!?

Yearning for the sanctity of a Redwood groove,
Whilst burying crystals;hoping to gain insight-
A parchment floated through the air,towards it did I move,
Like rain in a desert-reading it,I rejoiced in delight.

The secret of 'Redwood Seed Germination',did it contain;
Much specificity for a tiny,tough seed-the size of a mustard,
Had the usual earmarked soil,sun and rain;
But also,its dire need for ASH and FIRE,left me baffled.
"FIRE?!"-Indeed,fire was a vital requirement,
Devoid of which,the seed spent years dormant.

Nature is the volume of which God is the author,
Incomprehensibly,Nature brings forth the Need of the Hour.
It sets the forest afire,burning it to a mulch of Ash,henceforth;
But the Redwood endures the Fire-sunshine finally kisses the earth.
With rain,the seed breaks open-feeding on the ash,catalysed by the Fire.

What startled me was the hidden allegory!
Hidden between the lines was the Secret to Glory!
If each one of us were a Redwood seed-tough and strong;
Awaiting the "Fire" to start anew?
Dealt with a hard hand,before long...
Perhaps to be BROKEN UP rather than BROKEN DOWN?
Thus,emerging the Strongest and tasting the Dew!

A feeling tugs at my heart-
'Tis as if I went to sleep,
And when I awoke,my world has fallen apart;
But now,I wouldn't want to weep.

For,if I were a Redwood seed,
I would let the "Fire" consume me;
The dormant kernel within would break open,
Feeding on the ashes of the burnt remnants.
That magic would weave itself to all spheres of my life,
Ergo,finding the hidden benefit in strife.

It is Within YOU,as Within ME;
So,Endure the Fire-let it rage through thee,
Thus,cracking the shell and growing forth...
Like the world's tallest tree-thou can be Extraordinary,
Just Breathe,Endure,Trust and See!


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